Separated from Certain People

Scripture Reading - Genesis 21:9-12 KJV

9 And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, which she had born unto Abraham, mocking.
10 Wherefore she said unto Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with Isaac.
11 And the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight because of his son.
12 And God said unto Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called.

Previously we discussed being “separated” in general to make the point that when someone is born-again God “separated” them from the Kingdom of Darkness into His Kingdom of Light. That general “separation” should affect everything we do, say and think. Also we looked at being “separated spiritually” to remind all Christians that they have a different heart, in fact a new heart. This “separation” is not just a concept or deep belief; it is rather a new heart of God and a living heart for God. We also looked at the spiritual aspects of being “separated from the flesh”. In that study we emphasized being separated from the works of the flesh by operating in the fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, etc…). Today, we will discuss the very real issue of “separating” yourself from certain people who are not helping you to reach your full potential in Christ. Yes, we notice in the above scripture that Sarah (Abraham’s full-time wife) was not happy with Abraham’s concubine (Abraham’s part-time lover) because of her son. It is interesting to note that children and their parents are usually grouped as one. This was common in history and it is still common today because certain ungodly behavior by children will bring outside judgment on the parent. People seem to think if the child misbehaves the parent(s) allow it. Although there is some truth to that, the scriptures does declares in Deuteronomy 24:16 KJV that, “The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.” Therefore we can conclude by God’s Standards that each person should stand upon their own actions and words, not the actions or words of another. We (ihlcc) said all that to say, Sarah really didn’t have a good heart toward Abraham’s son, Ishmael and since Ishmael was several years older than Isaac she did not want him picking on Isaac at all. Her solution was to “separate” her supernaturally born son, Isaac from fleshly born son of Abraham. Remember, it was Sarah’s idea for Abraham to have children through Hagar the Egyptian but they (both Abraham and Sarah) found out that a plan of human reasoning is not the plan of God. Ismael biblically represents a work of the flesh, whereas Isaac represents a Holy Ghost inspired work of God. Do realize that even though Sarah wanted Ismael “separated” from her presence (and the presence of her beloved son) Abraham did not. We know it was Abraham’s son and Abraham did love him. No one wants to kick their very own flesh and blood out on the street with no provision and shelter but Abraham did it. The question is why? Since Abraham had a heart for the child (as God has a heart for all children and people) why would he put him totally out from his community? There are at least three reasons we will speak about. First, God told Abraham to obey Sarah’s voice which basically means her voice is an echo of My Will, so follow (hearken to) My Words spoken unto you. Secondly, God knew (and possibly Sarah knew too) that raising a child of god in ungodly strife is harmful to the child. No child deserves to live in a home (household, community) of strife and anger and resentment because negative words and attitudes can lead to actions of harm and abuse. Thirdly, God will never allow a work of the flesh to prosper in His eternity. The Lord will always “separate” a work of the flesh from His true working of the Holy Spirit of God, remember these two are contrary one to another. Yes, and it is for that reason we must encourage all God’s Beloved Children to “separate themselves from certain ungodly or unfruitful people.” Of course there will be some people who are full of the works of the flesh known as worldly ungodly people. These people will be easy to “separate from” because when you truly become born-again you don’t have the same desires as the old nature of the flesh. Typically the child of God knows right away who they need to distance (separate) themselves from immediately after being saved. However, the second class might not be as easy because these are people who are not prone to do evil but they are also not hungry for God. There are always people in the world who genuinely like you but they really don’t have a holy heart for God or if they do they only want a surface relationship with God as opposed to close intimate communion with our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ. A growing (maturing) child of God can never have a continuous relationship with a stagnant child of God because growing in Christ always requires more intimacy with The Father with less tolerance for mediocrity, the non-growing believer will not understand that truth. Therefore the non-growing Christian will always stay on the surface of God instead being as the heart of God. Third, group is much harder to “separate from” but we are called in certain cases to do so in Christ Jesus. The third group is the family. Yes, we are called to even “separate from certain family members” who are not encouraging your walk with God. We noticed that Abraham was willing to do this righteous act unto the Lord and that our faith friend is exactly what we must do also. We must be willing and obedient to forsake (separate) certain people who are hindering our fellowship with God. The scripture tells us through the words of Jesus in Matthew 10:37 KJV that, “He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” Therefore we can easily conclude that there will be times when we must “separate from certain people” up to and including family, friends and even close love ones in our very own home. It is true that we can be physically near certain people but totally separated in heart, purpose and desire (calling). If that is the case please like Abraham don’t grieve about the “separation” but rather rejoice in Christ Jesus because great is your reward in Heaven. Know with all confidence that the pleasures (including relationships) of this world are only temporal but a life pleasing to God will last (speak) forever. So be ready to “separate from certain people” whenever necessary (instructed by God) because you already know that God has “separated” you unto Himself for holiness and righteousness as a blessed child of God in all honor and goodness in Jesus Name. Obedience to God will always reap rewards and benefits according to Isaiah 1:19 which states, “If you be willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land.” Amen!